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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  September 25, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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offense.. suddenly appeared, &pgrabbbd.. thee ifted the man &pfrom behind. 3 3&"he didn't even knnw they wer behind him.. they running pehind him and i seen them slam him back ddwn on his head. i couldn't belleve it.. i'm goingg oh my god, what is they doing to my child..." intially.. police say pnderson died ffom choking onn drugs. but a preliminarr autopsy shows that he did not. examiner has noo yet froo a drug overrose.. or somem other ttpe of iijury. police are waiting on a complete report to determine the exact cause of deaah. in east baltimore, keith daniels, fox 445news, late edition. baatimooe's... gets... an... earlyystart... on theejob. job.the... police epartment... tweeted... this photo... of... anthony battt... being... sworn in... today, .../ even... though ...he wasn't... scceduled to start... until thursday...///. the... deeartment... announced pesterday... commissioner... anthony barksdale... medical leave... indefiniteeyy..///.batts...
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was the ...maaor's pickk.. foo... police andd.. even though... he... signed the conttact, ...// he... confirmedd.. bb... city for next month. baltimore ccunty police continue theirsearch for suspects ....after a man is shot and the it happened early sundaa a huge crowd gathered ii towson.eight others were arrested for assault or disturbing the peace.some...trred to get into a parttat the reccer theater....which hadalready soll out. it was hosted by a the theater. (johnson) "we've had relatively few problems in that area for quite sometime, and we're very confident that as a chamber of commerce, as a community, as public afett, &pthis innident or an incident like this will not repeat itself." no one has been arrested in connectionwith the shooting. but police aar now reviewing parking garage. convicted... killer... george huguely... is... appealing his conviction. conviction.his... lawers.... filed the
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appeel... this morning.../// hugeey... was convicted... in february secood degree . muuder.... and... grand larceny.../ in... connection... with theedeath... of... his... ex-girlfriend.../. u-v-a... lacrosse player... yeardley love.../. love... was found dead... in her apartment ... just weeks... priir to ggaduation... may 2010....//last... month,... to... 23- years... in - prison... for the criies. 55 cars broken nto...innonee where itthappened and what he 3 thieves gottaway with. with. shelley ordway: "i'm not really mad. i'm just more some people that they'd just come right up to peopll's houses ann theii driveways and steal tuff..shelley ordway hampsteed: "i mean, it'' s preety scary."of a string of car breakkins.about 55, actually.majjr phil kassen: "over the course of a couple - sunday morring... this hampstead neighborhood was hit. cara ayres, hampstead: "it's just been sorr of a quiet neiggborhood. you don't really hear about looking yourrdoorss pr locking your car. you don't really expect people to do that kind of stuff arouud hhre."paul gessler, reporter: "whatthas policc and neighbors scratching their heads isn't
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what was taken ffom the cars, but what was discarded. someone's cds, for instanne, werr found on the other side of the neiihhoohood. anotter guy's cell phoneewas found about a mile down the road." shelley ordwaa: "they just threw everything all oer tte car, they ook a couple dollars in change."major phil kasten: "the thieves didn't stop there. they went and vandalized seeeral of the cutting a convertible jeep es, & top, and pushing several vehicles from their parked spot in he driveway."shelley get a job. make your own monny. you on't have to go around steallng things. people workk ard for what they have." carroll county deputies believe he damage is in the don'' have any llads.cara ayres, hampsteadd "if i were them, i wouldn't come back ttough, areenow paying attention.cara: "they're gonna be on high allrt looking for people."in hampstead, ppul gessler, fox45 news laae edition ouu of the 55 cars broken unlocked. it's... that... time of year... aaain,.../ faailies... all... around... are... battling... stink bugs. bugs. in... pllicott city,.../
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family... saas... &pthey've... spent hours... catching... the pests....// exxerts... say... the key... iss.. sealing all the windows... in... pour home,..../ and... even... utting esh ... on... your roof.../ so... the bugs... have... no waa in: "they don't really cause aa harm, they're justta painn phey just stink" stink" the... chhmcial talstaa... is... also popular... in... trraaing stink bugs. science education for elementary school students got a big boost today froo the national science foundation. senator benncardin ann mayor stephanie rawlings- bbakeewere on hand at arlington elementary school in northwest baltimorr to nnnunce a 7 pointt4 million doolar grant that will fund a partnership between johns hopkins system.the five year grant &pwill hell math and scienne teachers team up with faculty from he johns hopkins school of engineering to find ways o better engage students in learning bout science..
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&p3311"how proud you muss be, t know when you drive by the school...i diid't see a kid in the classroom that looked like they didn't waat to be in school....they were exccted about schooll...they were excited about science" scienne" the mayoo says the program will engage over 1600 hundred students. tto fat... to.... join thh military. military. that's... exxctly... what a group of retired militarr leaders... ps... now calling... a... to... a... new report... from the group.../, one... n... four ...young peeple... is... too overweight off.. the problem, ...they say... is... the candy... kids... eet food and - eeeryday...///.. the ... prying... to... gettrii of punk food... in schools..../ they... bellevee.. schools are ...a.. big part... of the solution. &plabor disputes... between... american and... the... pillts union... causing... even... more canceled... nd... delayed flights...//. accordinn... to... "flight- stats-dot-com"...// more... than... 100--ffights... weee caaceled monday...///.bringing... number
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of cancellations... to... 5700.. since... the... diipute began... morr than... a week pgo...///.pilots... are... now equired.... hours... / and... the airline... is proposing... freezing... or... terminating... their... retirement plans...///.meantime... more... calling n sick. 33 merchandise stores.. as the birds try to make t to the merchandise issflying oof the 300 percent.... percent.... according o an analysis by sports one source....a research firm focused on the sporting goods the &pspike in ales increased late august through this month.... orioles geaa still accounts foo only 2.2 percent of the pajorrleague baaeball market. but haa's a big increase over last yeaa when that numbbr saggessto 0.5 ercent... 3 you upporttthe team you buy the proouct... produut...
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we're lloking for good can win onight... tonight...sales t nearby sports shops are up 25 to 30 percent this summmr driven by orioles gear... 3&bad day for the post office. the us postal service coold soon be on life support. serrice has to pay the ffderal government five-point-six billion dollars to fund health care for their retirees. ut the possal service doesn't have the money. this willlbe the second multt billion dollar deeault by the agency this month. the experts agree the only solutioo is cutting ack on delivery days ann postal offices in ruraa &pareas. a ad day for religious groups, but a gooddddy for a pregnancy.morning-after pills... are now available to high school girls at 13 public schools in new york city. pcty.the department of eddcation says girls as young the plan- b emergency
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parental consent.parentsswho program... can opt ut of it. new york city schools already distribute free coodoms to students. the ity s kicking off a campaign to live hhalthier...and he mayor is on the front lines. 3&--coonning, 1, 22 3--- 3---mayor rawlingssblake worked up a sweat today with pn southwest baltimore.leadinn for avens ed reee and ray r t's part of healthy city ddys... a week-long intiative aimed at getting people to eat right and exercise often. 3 srb: "i enjoy healthy city day and to think for ourslles, p - can e healthier" healthier" 3heaathy city days begins outs and health fairs across 3 it's... been a beaatiffl... couule offdays...
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to get outside nd enjoy theesunshine. sunshhne. will our beautiful fall weathhr continuee let's go to chieff meteorologist vytas reid for a &plook at hat's happening now.
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the repllcement refs for this... bbt ttey're how many blown calls will - be made before nfl fns blow theii stacks? a report &pon a ticking time bomb is nex. a man involved in a near fatal accident, lives to talk about it. how he walked away from this violeet crash. wouud youulet your children swim with alligators,... parents think it's fun.
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replacement refs ... congress. thiss after what many are calling one of the worst calls in recent football historyy &pexplains why.../ eve tte president... wants them out. out. 3
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just when fans thought it nfl repllcement refs under fire after making his call on monday night at the end f tte green bay - seattle game.... the referees fiially for seattle after a lengthy the internet saying green bay was robbed.mos says: it was aa game. that's wwere the llnes this as the n-f-l looks aa the bigger issueeof how to reach a deal with the regular referees. even pressdent obama weegheddin on twitter saying quote..."nfl fans on both sidee of the aisle hhpe the refs' lockout is settledd sson." veeeran sportscaster and fox news contributoo jim ray says the replacement offiiials are coming from lower divisions they're not used to the pace &pof the nfl.gray sayy: they'r incompetent. they're just not the egular officials andd they're over their head. talks between the nfl and refs are at a stand still thouuh... fiffeen hours of mediation over the weekend ended with no deal. gray says::i> the nff
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feels they've put out a very fair offfr. thesee fficials going in to this season make an average of $150,000 dollars the course of thissccntract to an average of $200,,00 a year. once an agreement between the nfl and the officials is reached, it still could take a ffw weeks beeore the refs aae ack on the field aaain. the deal will have tt e ratified in person, and the rrfs will eed physicals and fittings for new here's... our , ...the... nfl replacement refs... ruining the... ppo football season? there's a lot of r-rated and x--ated... posts flling around there tonight. if you want to express yoor endless lovee for these officials.../ head to facebook dot com and search fox baltimoree
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3 pool parties with alligators? why some parents arr adding super predators to their kids'' pool parties. a man walks away from this violenttcrash. how he cheated death on russian highway.
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common sense... should be dead. ggy... dash cam ideo... of... a... head on crashh.. in... russia... is... one of tte hottess videos... shows... a russian... truck driver... colliding... with a.... ractor
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flying... headfirst... thru... the windshield... of his ab.../ somehow,.../ landdng... on his feet... in... front of ...his... mangled truck....// the... stunned driver... then survees the craah scene,.../ cratches his head.../ and... walks away... unharmed....// we'll.... give it... a... landing.since he stuck the - common sense... says... spanking kids... with a paadle.../ might... cause you ...some problems.... in... today's world...//. a... exaa board... is... ffrced to ccange their ssanking policy.../ after... &p two female students ...were bruiied... for days.../ at... the hands...// of their... mmle principa. high school's... school board... voted... to require... a... female adult... to be present anytime.../ a... male is... spanking .... a... female ssudent.../// "they pulled out a chair sand like okay, i gotta breathe for a minute i was kinda nervvus" "she tolddme tte tory and i &plooked at her butt and i was
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paddle, the imprint" some pareets... are they say... a... male - administrator... should never beeallowed .... to... paddle... a female studenn..///. even ... iff.. a ffmale adult... is present. common sense... says,.../ one... of... these pool going end .... in... a... lawsuit, or a death. deatt.this... alligator...////.bob barrett... of....alligator brings burger your home .../ and... allows him... to swim ... with you the pool.../ yes... the gator's... &p mouth taped..../// kids... even... get a course gaaor safety. 20-36"you've had the ccuck e. cheese've had the clown parry. you've ad the jumppa-roo bounce house paaty. &ppell, when yoo say you're goiig to have a party, ttey go that's nice. we're goonaahave a pool party. that's nice. we're gonna have a pool party with a gator. evvryyody comes." cooes.. parrett needed a way... to
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make up... for times... his attraction...// incidentally.../ burger... must've... had a burger ... before swimming...// therees... gator droppings in the one state is ncouraging istraated drivvng tonight. how google is going to make trrffic acccients a hing of 3 33
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imagine speeding down the beltway while reading a bbok. book.or enjoying your morning coffee whiie you chat with your kkds. it sounds like distracted drrving, but it's 3& driverless... caas ...could soon on california... roads.../ toody... / the at... google makkng... the comppny's car... "street-legal"...///. google's... self-driivng car... - controlled pedals... and steering.../ whhch... are... guided by cameras, .../ g-p-s... p and... other the bill's... signed... / the... d---v... will have... to draft ruless.. for public testing. are any fall howers on the way or will we hold on to ? sunshinee lee's go extended forrcast.
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3 with time running out, the orioles try to stay within striking distaace of the yankees..bruce cunninggam has hilights next in sports unlimited. anncr: their dishonest ads are everywhere.
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a west virginia casino spending a fortune... to stop question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is... "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltimore sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember...
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they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. thaa's all for theelate edition, i'm jeff barnd. and i'm jjnnnfer gilbert, here's bruce cunningham with sports unnimited. unlimited. 3 with just 8 gamee remaining in the regular seasos, every night is a must win for thh &porioles...they went in tonigh
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trailing the yankees by aaggme and a was game three against toronto.. toronto.. joe saunderr on the hill for loss...but he struggled look early...ttp ffrst...two men on for yan gomes...he lines one third ann beats oot the throw at the plate...jays strike first 1-0...bottom four...adeiny hechavarria pulls one down the left ffeld line...that goes all the way to the wall...ra-jay davis scores eaaily...2-0 toronto... pop of the ssventh...more &ptrouble ffr saunders...colby rassus linessone to riggt...j-p arencibia comes into sccre..3-0 blue saunders...o's drop their second ssraight game...4-0 the . thursday night marks thee second ravees game in 5 days... 4th total in 18 days.thee ravens have to quickly turn offfsunday niiht's excctementt..and focus on their second a-f-c north
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opponent.the cleveland browns. browns. &pthe browns are oo-and-3.sound easy...but cleveland has stayed round every game... pncluding a one oint loss to the eagles in week's aa together and eliminate al.once 3 by two rookies... running back trent richardson.and 3 3 and around here thht means anothereditioo of our prep player of the week in ii's 3rd decade, it has honored the area'' finest high schoolathletes since wwy ack back oo thh football field... 3
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it's now time to announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest... brought to you by varsiiy can vote for the game you'd like to see highlights of.... school game of the week...-
11:33 pm's thii week's slate of games for friday seetember 28tt...curley vists st. paul's in football... catonsville travels to hereford on the grid iron... ffllston hosts c. milton mcdonogh meets spaldinn in girls soccer...we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that'll o it for this edition of sports unlimited...ttanks for jjining us.i'm bcand be sure to tune in to fox45 morning nnws tomorrow -- starting at 5-am.goodnnght. goodnight. 3
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